Promoting Environmental Awareness, Education & Advocacy Action
MRVAC promotes environmental awareness, education and advocacy action, especially relating to the wildlife and habitats of the Minnesota River Valley. We take pride in teaching our communities about the importance of getting outdoors, experiencing nature, and caring for wildlife and the environment.
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MRVAC Meetings
Looking to connect with our organization and see what we’re all about? We invite you to attend our meetings, usually the fourth Thursday of the month. We begin with a social hour over cookies and snacks, then conduct a brief business meeting. The featured speaker begins at 7:30 pm.
When: 7:00-9:00pm
Location: Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center, 3815 American Blvd E, Bloomington
Injured Bird?
Have you found a wounded or orphaned bird or other animal? Please visit the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota for more information on what to do in this situation.