Duluth has been a hot spot for diverse – but not well-studied – types of Red-tailed Hawks. Utilizing microsatellite markers and satellite transmitters, Alexandra Pesano, a UMD master’s student, has been able to increase understanding of the geographical origins and subspecies classification of dark-morph-plumaged birds and the B.j.abieticola (Northern Red-tailed) subspecies.
Join us in person at the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 27, to socialize over cookies. A brief business meeting followed by the featured presentation will begin at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will conclude before 9 p.m. The MVNWR Bloomington Visitor Center is located at 3815 American Boulevard East in Bloomington. By car, take Hwy 494 to 34th Avenue and go south to American Boulevard. Turn east (left) and go two blocks. The center is on the right. It is accessible after a short walk from the Metro Blue Line (Hiawatha Light Rail) at American Boulevard. Enter at the middle door (not the main entrance). MRVAC meetings are free and open to the public.
This meeting (starting at 7:30 p.m.) will also be available by Zoom but limited to first 100 participants. To Join by Zoom click on this link:
Meeting ID: 893 2811 3901
Passcode: 588381
One tap mobile:
+13126266799,,89328113901#,,,,*588381# US (Chicago)
We are also planning on having a recording of this meeting available on our website a few days later.