As we approach spring migration in the Upper Midwest, this is your friendly reminder to dim lights from March 15 to May 31.

Lighting can disorient birds and draw them to buildings where they face many hazards. Save birds and save energy by turning off unnecessary lights during migration — on any building, regardless of size.  When to do it?  In the spring from March 15 to May 31 and in the fall from Aug.  15 to Oct. 31.  What to do?

From midnight to dawn:

  • Turn off exterior decorative lighting;
  • Dim or turn off lobby and atrium lighting;
  • Turn off interior lights, especially upper floors.

Want more info?  Thanks to the good folks at the Audubon Society, you can get reminders by going here, Lights Out Sign-Up (, and more information by going to

Lights Out has been a win-win program in Minnesota for many years.  If you’re a homeowner, you can participate by just turning out the lights.  Alert facilities managers you may know about the program and share the links above.