By Bob Williams

One of MRVAC’s main missions is conservation education, especially youth education.  The COVID-19 pandemic has put a crimp in our usual “Bird-a-thon” fundraiser, so we’re scheduling another birding weekend to help fundraise for conservation education.

We hope everyone is planning to participate.  Here’s how:   Go to your favorite birding spots on either Saturday,  Aug. 21 or Sunday, Aug. 22, and keep a list of all the species that you can identify for each day.  Tell us what birds you found so we can compile a complete list for each day.  Small prizes will be awarded for the person who IDs the most species for each day and for the person who IDs the most unusual bird each day. Results will be published in the Trumpeter.

Our goal is to have at least 100 birders participate.  We can achieve our fundraising goal if each birder raises at least $25.  You can make online contributions here on the website or mail a check made out to MRVAC to PO Box 20400, Bloomington, MN  55420.  If you have any questions about the birding weekend, please contact Bob Williams by email at or by text at 612-991-0727.  Please practice safe birding – social distancing and masks.  We want everyone to stay safe and healthy!